Witness wanted

Local News Police

The Debrecen Police`s Criminal Department is searching for an unknown perpetrator who committed pubic violence.

On the basis of theavailable data around 5pmon August 10, 2010 behind Tocovolgy residential area ofDebrecen next to a grassy area an unknown offender forced a woman to tolerate, watch and help him to carryout his masturbation, and physically cooperate in thisactivities.

The offender choked her and used physical force to prevent her movement.

The physically and emotionally damaged woman gave the following details from his attacker: the man is 20 years old, approx. 160 to 170 cm tall, with60 kg weight. He iscreole-skinned, with 2-3cm longblack hair.
He lack a couple of teeth. The offender wore a light colour jeans and a white short-sleeved T-shirt.

To arriveand depart he used a black or dark colored mountain bike.

There are couple of houses around the Pal Sarvari, Derek streets and Tocovolgywalk around as well as many residents in this area,walk thedogs etc.

The police asks to reporteverything in connection with the offense and the offender,or witnessed the case, to make a notification or report to the Police Station of Debrecen (4 Budai Ezsaias street)
or call the 06-52-516-400 / 27-23 phone number oruse the toll-free "Phone witness"06-80-555-111 green number or the 107,112 emergency numbers.

The notifiers name and datas will be keptconfidential!

EvaKelemen lieutenant

Iris Properties

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60 m2 flat for rent
400 000 Ft

Debrecen, Derék utca

63 m2 flat for rent
170 000 Ft

Debrecen, Gvadányi utca

60 m2 flat for rent
200 000 Ft

Debrecen, Barna utca - Homy flat in the Center

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210 000 Ft

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